Monday, 29 April 2013

Name: Biggs Darklighter
Origins: Legacy Collection Evolutions Imperial Pilots Legacy
Date: 2008
Comments: This figure depicts Biggs during his time as an Imperial fighter pilot. The figure is quite an important step forward in the evolution of a better Tie Pilot figure. This is a kit bashed figure using the legs from the Blue Saga 2004 pilot, a new torso, arms, head and helmet. This figure formed the basis for many Tie Pilots to come in the Legacy series and Vintage Collection.

Name: Derek “Hobbi” Klivian
Origin: Legacy Collection "Ecliptic Evader" Tie fighter
Date: 2008
Comments: This Hobbi Klivian figure was exclusively packed inside the Legacy Collection large wing Rand Ecliptic Tie Figure vehicle. Klivian shares parts with Evolutions Biggs Darklighter and comes with the same open faced removable helmet, chest box and blaster. As interesting fact about this and the Biggs figure is that the open faced helmets wwas first seen in the graphic novel that tell the defection of Biggs and Hobbie. The open helmets enabled the readers to distinguish between the two pilots.
Name: Tie Fighter Pilot 181st Elite Squadron
Origin: 30th Anniversary Collection
Date: 2007
Comments: This particular figure was supplied in the box of the 30th Anniversary Collections "Elite Tie Interceptor" vehicle and represents a pilot from the 181st Elite Tie Interceptor Squadron. It is a simple repaint of 2004's Blue Saga TIE Fighter Pilot, pained with a white chest plate and harness. The red lines on the sleeves and trousers are similar in nature to Han Solo's Corellian blood stripes as they represent a certain level of skill and or kills in battle.

Name: Tie Fighter Pilot Ace
Origin: Evolutions: Imperial Pilots Legacy
Date: 2009
Comments: One of three figures found in the second Legacy Collections Evolutions series entitled Imperial Pilots Legacy. This is the best Tie Pilot to date, far better articulation that previous figures, a holster belt and blaster pistol are supplied and for the first time, the helmet can be removed to reveal a Fett Clone Trooper head. The helmet has two grey stripes denoting him to be a fighter Ace. The figure's body was first used on the Legacy Collection Biggs Darklighter Tie Pilot from Evolutions Imperial Pilots Legacy set 1 of the previous year. Since then, it has gone on to be used in other Legacy releases and Vintage Collection releases.

Name: Tie Fighter Pilot
Origin: Star Wars Saga (Blue Saga cards)
Date: 2004
Comments: Another sculpting of the "A New Hope" Tie Pilot. Similar to the earlier Power of the Jedi pack in pilot but much more accurate and in scale. The hips and knees are articulated to enable a good seated pose in a Tie vehicle, the gloves on both arms swivel, the right elbow and shoulder is articulated, the left arm is rigid except for the shoulder and the helmet has limited movement. Accessories supplied are a E-11 blaster and a rectangular figure stand.
Name: Tie Fighter Pilot
Origin: Power of the Jedi
Date: 2001
Comments: The large scale Tie Interceptor vehicle from the POTJ line included this improved Tie Pilot, and a year later, the same figure was included with the Tie Bomber vehicle. This figure has also featured in many Imperial vehicle re-releases through the run of modern toys. The figure is a little trimmer than the Power of the Force 2 version, the knees bend to a 90 degree angle to achieve a good seating position and the helmet is articulated. No weapons or accessories were supplied with this figure.

Name: Tie Fighter Pilot
Origin: Power of the Force 2
Date: 1996
Comments: This figure suffered from the "steroid" pumped up look of all the early POTF2 line, but had some major improvements in the form of an articulated helmet, a matt and shiny paint job and external gas exchange helmet pipes, all features missed from the vintage figure. Accessories were in the form of an oversized blaster rifle and E-11.

Friday, 26 April 2013

Name: Republic Gunship Pilot.
Origin: Imperial Pilot Evolutions series II
Date: 2009
Comments: A repaint of the Revenge of the Sith Clone trooper Evolutions pilot, he comes with a new removable helmet, chest box and DC-15s blaster.

Name: Clone Pilot
Origin: The Legacy Collection, Imperial Pilot Evolutions Series 1.
Date: 2008
Comments: This is an upgraded of the Revenge Clone pilot. It uses the same weapon and legs as the original figure but with and a new upper body featuring proper articulation in the elbow joints. The helmet has a transparent visor and is removable, as is the chest box. A CD-15s blaster is also supplied.

Name: Clone Trooper V-Wing Pilot
Origin: Evolutions Imperial Pilots Legacy
Date: 2009
Comments: This figure features in a Wall Mart Exclusive pack with two other figures. Piloting the V-wing Star Fighter, this figure is a basic "Shadow Squadron" repaint of the previous grey Evolutions pilot. Features of this figure are a removable helmet, chest box and DC-15s blaster.

Name: Republic Gunship Clone Trooper Pilot
Origin: Revenge of the Sith Clone Trooper to Stormtrooper Evolutions, set 2.
Date: 2005
Comments: This figure is from the second release of the Revenge of the Sith evolutions set, and is a repaint. This time the Pilot is missing the yellow armour markings, now featuring red smudges, various black chip effects and weathering marks on the armour. Accessories particular to this figure include a DC-15s, a yellow trim flight helmet and a plain white phase one helmet. This figure was released once again during 2008 in the 30th Anniversary Evolutions sets.

Name: Republic Gunship Clone Trooper Pilot
Origin: Evolutions Revenge of the Sith Clone Trooper to Stormtrooper
Date: 2005
Comments: This figure in Clone Wars phase 1 guise belongs to the original release of the Evolutions 3 pack. The figure features yellow markings on the armour, Geonosis coloured weathering and black chipped battle worn armour. A great feature of this figure are the two helmets, one being the phase 1 Mandolorian style and the other is the gun ship pilot type. Accessories in the pack particular to this figure are a DC-15s, a yellow trim flight helmet and a yellow trim phase 1 helmet.

Clone Trooper Pilot, 30th Anniversary "Elite ARC-170" Battle Pack (description to follow)

Name: Clone Pilot
Origin: Revenge of the Sith
Date: 2005
Comments: This black Clone pilot was a running change to the Revenge of the Sith grey pilot, it uses the same body as the original figure but is just a straight forward repaint. The figure came with the same firing cannon and DC-15s accessories as the original grey pilot. This figure can also be found in the Jedi Temple Assault set and the K-Mart exclusive 30th Anniversary Revenge of the Sith tin set. The helmet and the chest box are not removable.

Name: Clone Pilot
Origin: Revenge of the Sith
Date: 2005
Comments: First seen early on in the initial Coruscant battle scene in Revenge of the Jedi piloting the ARC-170 Star Fighter. The accessories included a firing blaster cannon (also found with the Padme Amidala Coruscant Attack figure in the Blue Saga line) and a DC-15s. The helmet and chest box are not removable on this original version.

Name: Republic Gunship pilot
Origin: Blue Saga / AOTC
Date: 2002
Comments: The first Clone pilot to be released was, by today’s standards, a basic figure with limited articulation, although the head was unusually hinged so it has limited horizontal and vertical movement. The supplied accessories were a DC-15s and a missile firing cannon in the style of the globe shaped side guns seen on Republic Gun Ships.

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Turkish "Yuza" Tie Fighter Pilot bootleg figure (description to follow)

Name: Tie Fighter pilot
Origin: The Empire Strikes Back
Date: 1982
Comment: The figure featured a grey blaster of the same make as Nien Numb and the Cloud Car Pilot. The Tie pilot was seen originally in ANH but had to wait 4 years for a release. He suffered the same inability as the Stormtrooper in a lack of head articulation.
Name: B-wing Pilot
Origin: Return of the Jedi
Date: 1983.
Comments: The "Blade" Wing Pilot was released on the Jedi card and the Power of the Force coin card, this pilot is not representative of any one movie character, screen time was minimal for any sequence even featuring a B-Wing vehicle and only a very few shot’s can be seen in the Rebel briefing room of any B-wing pilot in uniform. He came with the same blaster as the A-Wing Pilot and Leia Poncho.

Name: The Twin Pod Cloud Car Pilot
Origin: The Empire Strikes Back
Date: 1981
Comments: One of the few vintage figures to be released with two accessories, a blaster, of the same type as the Tie Pilot and Nien Numb, and a small communications unit. It is interesting to note that this figures card picture was a close up of the cockpit of the model vehicle and puppet of the pilot that was used in filming effects shots at ILM.

Name: A-Wing Pilot
Origin: Return of the Jedi - Power of the Force / Tri-Logo / Droids
Date: 1984
Comments: The last pilot figure to be released in the vintage line was the A-Wing pilot. He was later released on the “Droids” line, as was the A-Wing vehicle. A simplistic figure with sparse detail and a blaster of the same type as by the B-wing pilot and Leia Endor, he is one of the last 17 figures released and remains quite sought after.

Name: Nien Numb
Origin: Return of the Jedi
Date: 1983
Comments: First released as a Mail away offer on the early Jedi 48 back cards, Nien Numb later became more widely available on the Jedi 65 back. The character wear’s his red jump suit and under helmet skull cap of a B-wing pilot.

PBP Variation of Luke X-Wing Fighter Pilot (Description to follow) 

Name: Luke Skywalker X-Wing Pilot
Origin: Star Wars
Date: 1978
Comments: Luke Skywalker X-Wing Pilot was released in the second wave of the Star Wars vintage line in 1978. The character saw releases on every major wave until the end of production in 1985. The figure is quite generic in its looks and could have been any of the Battle of Yavin pilots without the specific markings of Luke’s helmet.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Welcome to my first Blog!

Hi, thanks for looking at my Blog!!

I decided to step into this arena after some advice from another collector who has seen my collection photo's. He suggested I should post my collection in a Blog format for more people to see, appreciate and also, hopefully use as a reference for their own collecting.

I have a large collection of 3 3/4" Star Wars figures, and in that collection I focus on certain characters and types of characters. I decided to start this blog based on my collection of Star Wars Rebel, Imperial, Expanded Universes and Clone Trooper pilots in 3 3/4" scale. The collection covers Vintage and Modern range as I collect from both era's. I have other focuses that cover Darth Maul, Boba Fett, R2-D2, Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker to name a few.  also have a large Clone Trooper army. I intend to produce more Star Wars figure Blogs in the future if this one proves popular.
